Friday, 30 March 2012

assalamualaikum =)

setelah beberapa hari ~~ *sbb bru terpikat ngn blog.. >.<
stelah bberapa blog aq bce..
they gave me such aq huge awareness ~~
about da'wah ~~ *terhingin nk crk saham utk akhirat ..

so0, dyorng buad aq move on ~~
di malam yg aq sgt down !!
aq try bce blog2 mereka..
then ~~

nieyh hasil nyer.. *keh3.. =)
aq nk jdk mcm dyorng ~~
spread knowledge..
work for ummah ~~
in a very proper way.. =) *uhuk2.. terpuji lbeyh.. =='

aq xnk hanyut ng dunia dh ~~
insyaALLAH ~~ 
aq nk jdk org yg suke mmbaca.. *fuyo0.. tingginyer citer2..

bukan nyer nk ckp aq baek..
x pown.. aq pown bukan ustazah.. *even many say so0..
tp, aq sedar.. aq x byk ilmu pown..
masih mencari.. *terlanggar tiang. sape suh crk dlm gelap.. =='
ting ! bukak lampu.. =)
nmpk pown.. =)
so0. aq mncari . mencari . dan mencari .

pray the best for ummah ~~
for our family ~~
for ourself.. of course.. =)

wallahualam ~~ =)


  1. ain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i'm so siriusly proud of u!!
    good2..thumbs up!!

  2. Woha! i found ur latest blog even u never told me about ur latest blog! hahahaha :D

    by the way, keep it up for the sake of ummah!!

    thumbs up!! :)

    1. haha ! erk.erk.erk.. [garu2 kepale] cmne bleyh jumpe nieyh.. =='
      adehhhh.. anyway thanx.. :)
